Commonly asked questions can be helpful for users seeking quick answers, but it’s essential to clarify that the Terms and Conditions always take precedence. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts between what’s stated in the FAQs and the actual legal agreements users are bound by. Please review our Terms and Conditions if you have any additional questions.

Does the cooling fan really work? Will it help keep my Action Camera operating on a hot summer day?

The simple answer is indeed “Yes.”

The detailed answer is “it depends on what you are trying to accomplish.” Read on for more details.

We encounter this question frequently especially since action cameras typically face overheating issues within a short span of 9 to 25 minutes when operated without cooling fans. Despite their exceptional build quality and capabilities, using them in unintended ways exacerbates overheating problems. This occurs notably when the camera is used statically, removing the dynamic action element for which it was originally designed. Even if the camera doesn’t overheat initially, it’s crucial to consider the impact of prolonged usage and the potential risk of internal battery swelling due to repeated exposure to higher temperatures. We prioritize having a camera that maintains cooler temperatures. Therefore, it is preferred to have a camera equipped with an active cooling solution to effectively dissipate excess heat.

We’ve recorded continuously at 4k, 60 fps in direct sunlight at 99°F and 1080P, 60 fps in direct sunlight at 115°F for several hours. While these recordings have been successful, we cannot guarantee absolute success in all scenarios. Therefore, we advise adjusting recording resolutions to lower settings in higher ambient temperatures to enhance reliability. Sustaining 5.3K recording for extended periods above 100°F is likely NOT feasible. Conversely, 1080P at 115°F is highly effective.

Our extensive experience in real-world usage in Phoenix’s scorching summers, coupled with numerous rigorous heat tests, offers valuable insights into potential scenarios and performance. It’s crucial to leverage this data to better understand the capabilities, limitations, and provide insights into potential scenarios and performance. User success can vary due to numerous factors such as individual operating environments, ambient temperature, intensity of use, user behaviors, camera/battery condition, and other variables. Therefore, while the data may indicate possibilities, it’s essential to recognize that actual results may differ for each user and there is no guarantee offered.

Utilizing a cooler fan can effectively lower the operating temperatures of your devices, enabling continuous recording or operation in several scenarios. However, it’s important to note that CAMCOOLERLLC offers no guarantee and will not be held liable for any lost recorded video footage or device malfunctions resulting from overheating. In summary, it’s essential to monitor operating conditions, adjust recording resolutions and settings based on environmental temperatures accordingly to ensure optimal performance and mitigate potential overheating issues.

Checkout our 4k and 5.3k data results here.

Does the CAMCooLER 9Ten11&12 work with the GoPro13?

Yes. The form factor hasn’t changed since the GoPro 9 was released several years ago. Some coolers might still be shipped with the logo “9Ten11&12” but are compatible with the GoPro 13 Black. We are in the process of changing all name references to the CAMCooLER 9Thirteen.

Dimensions (W x H x D) (mm)
GoPro HERO 13 Black GoPro HERO 12 Black GoPro HERO 11 Black GoPro HERO 10 Black GoPro HERO 9 Black
71.8 W x 50.8 H x 33.6 D (mm) 71.8 W x 50.8 H x 33.6 D (mm) 71.8 W x 50.8 H x 33.6 D (mm) 71.8 W x 50.8 H x 33.6 D (mm) 71.8 W x 50.8 H x 33.6 D (mm)
It does not fix the 2024 HERO, 11Mini, or GoPro Cameras listed above with a case and/or Media Mod. Coolers are available for these on our website.

What is IP65 rating vs vague marketing terms such as ‘waterproof’

Prior to August 2023, fans sold by CAMCOOLERLLC were not waterproof or water resistant.  Since we have upgraded our fan selection and they are rated at IP65.  What does that mean? Read below to find out.

Unlike more vague marketing terms such as ‘waterproof’ – which don’t necessarily define precisely where and to what extent an item can resist moisture ingress – an IP rating is designed to provide a far more specific account.

As we’ll see further, each of the digits in an IP rating reveals detailed information about the exact level of protection/resistance the item in question can be expected to deliver.

IP65 Level of Protection
First Digit Level of Protection
6 Full protection against dust and other particulates, including a vacuum seal, tested against continuous airflow
Second Digit Level of Protection
5 Protection against low-pressure jets (6.3mm) of directed water from any angle (limited ingress permitted with no harmful effects)

Basically, our IP65 fans are NOT 100 percent waterproof so don’t go dipping them into a bucket of water. They are rated for limited water exposure like precipitation or from water sprinklers.

If you have a previous version of a cooler fan from us and the label on the fan doesn’t say IP65, then they are not waterproof and should still be protected from rain or water the ground crew might apply to a softball or baseball infield.

My Account – What if I didn’t create an account at checkout and now want to see order status or past orders?

If you didn’t create an account during checkout and you would like to see order status or past orders, no problem.  Navigate to My Account on the menu, or click here, then click “Lost my Password?” and reset your password using the email address provided on the original order. Once the password has been reset, you can log in and see all current or past orders.

Credit Card Declined or Order Failed

Normally, a declined payment is a simple typo of the zip code or credit card security code. Another issue could be that your address does not match the address on file with your credit card company, so you may want to double-check with them. Our credit card processor has the final say on all these issues, and we have no options to override them.

Credit card processing is securely conducted via our card processor and is a highly safe platform for paying and receiving payments. Our vendor is a PCI Service Provider Level 1, the highest certification level available in the payments industry. Simply put, any payment information sent is just as secure and safe as PayPal or any other large e-commerce site.

CAMCOOLERLLC does not store credit card information on our platform as we do not have the availability to view that information.  The credit card data entered in your payment form is never stored on our server. Instead, the data is sent directly to our credit card processor.  Our servers show a transaction number indicating payment is successful. Our servers do store the other information you provided during checkout.  This information remains private.

Some common credit card processing errors:

authentication_required The card was declined as the transaction requires authentication. The customer should try again and authenticate their card when prompted during the transaction. If the card issuer returns this decline code on an authenticated transaction, the customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
approve_with_id The payment can’t be authorized. Attempt the payment again. If you still can’t process it, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.
call_issuer The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
card_not_supported The card does not support this type of purchase. The customer needs to contact their card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase.
card_velocity_exceeded The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
currency_not_supported The card does not support the specified currency. The customer needs to check with the issuer whether the card can be used for the type of currency specified.
do_not_honor The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
do_not_try_again The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
duplicate_transaction A transaction with identical amount and credit card information was submitted very recently. Check to see if a recent payment already exists.
expired_card The card has expired. The customer needs to use another card.
fraudulent The payment was declined because Stripe suspects that it’s fraudulent. Don’t report more detailed information to your customer. Instead, present as you would the generic_decline described below.
generic_decline The card was declined for an unknown reason or Stripe Radar blocked the payment. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
incorrect_number The card number is incorrect. The customer needs to try again using the correct card number.
incorrect_cvc The CVC number is incorrect. The customer needs to try again using the correct CVC.
incorrect_pin The PIN entered is incorrect. This decline code only applies to payments made with a card reader. The customer needs to try again using the correct PIN.
incorrect_zip The postal code is incorrect. The customer needs to try again using the correct billing postal code.
insufficient_funds The card has insufficient funds to complete the purchase. The customer needs to use an alternative payment method.
invalid_account The card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid. The customer needs to contact their card issuer to check that the card is working correctly.
invalid_amount The payment amount is invalid, or exceeds the amount that’s allowed. If the amount appears to be correct, the customer needs to check with their card issuer that they can make purchases of that amount.
invalid_cvc The CVC number is incorrect. The customer needs to try again using the correct CVC.
invalid_expiry_month The expiration month is invalid. The customer needs to try again using the correct expiration date.
invalid_expiry_year The expiration year is invalid. The customer needs try again using the correct expiration date.
invalid_number The card number is incorrect. The customer needs try again using the correct card number.
invalid_pin The PIN entered is incorrect. The customer needs to try again using the correct PIN.
issuer_not_available The card issuer couldn’t be reached, so the payment couldn’t be authorized. Attempt the payment again. If you still can’t process it, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.
lost_card The payment was declined because the card is reported lost. The specific reason for the decline shouldn’t be reported to the customer. Instead, it needs to be presented as a generic decline.
merchant_blacklist The payment was declined because it matches a value on the Stripe user’s block list. Don’t report more detailed information to your customer. Instead, present as you would the generic_decline described above.
new_account_information_available The card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
no_action_taken The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
not_permitted The payment isn’t permitted. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
offline_pin_required The card was declined because it requires a PIN. The customer needs to try again by inserting their card and entering a PIN.
online_or_offline_pin_required The card was declined as it requires a PIN. If the card reader supports Online PIN, prompt the customer for a PIN without creating a new transaction. If the card reader doesn’t support Online PIN, the customer needs to try again by inserting their card and entering a PIN.
pickup_card The customer can’t use this card to make this payment (it’s possible it was reported lost or stolen). They need to contact their card issuer for more information.
pin_try_exceeded The allowable number of PIN tries was exceeded. The customer must use another card or method of payment.
processing_error An error occurred while processing the card. The payment needs to be attempted again. If it still can’t be processed, try again later.
reenter_transaction The payment couldn’t be processed by the issuer for an unknown reason. The payment needs to be attempted again. If it still can’t be processed, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.
restricted_card The customer can’t use this card to make this payment (it’s possible it was reported lost or stolen). The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
revocation_of_all_authorizations The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
revocation_of_authorization The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
security_violation The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
service_not_allowed The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
stolen_card The payment was declined because the card is reported stolen. The specific reason for the decline shouldn’t be reported to the customer. Instead, it needs to be presented as a generic decline.
stop_payment_order The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
testmode_decline A Stripe test card number was used. A genuine card must be used to make a payment.
transaction_not_allowed The card was declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
try_again_later The card was declined for an unknown reason. Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.
withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded The customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card. The customer needs to use an alternative payment method.

What if I didn’t receive an order confirmation email?

Most likely the order confirmation email has been trapped by email spam protections either on your computer or email server.

Check your spam folder to see if the message has been flagged.

emails are sent from sales@camcooler.com

If you received an order confirmation number on the screen after placing your order, it has been received.

If you are really concerned, please call me at (623) 281-8326



We do our best to ship items promptly, but the fulfillment of items can be delayed several days.

We reserve the right to delay fulfillment and shipping and not split an order with backordered items.

There will be a store notice if fulfillment isn’t available, like when everyone is out of town at a softball tournament.



All shipping timelines are estimates and in no way offer a guarantee of when your shipment will arrive. At our sole discretion will make the determination to ship a complete order or split the order into separate shipments.

USA: Domestic Shipping is free over $40.

Items sold on Amazon: If one of our products is for sale on Amazon, then that same item will ship via priority mail if ordered from camcooler.com. (Items purchased on Amazon will be fulfilled and shipped via Amazon Prime.)

Other items: The shipping service provided is the choice of CAMCooLER LLC unless otherwise noted, or a service is specifically selected when below the free shipping threshold. Shipping services may range from, but not limited to, USPS Ground Advantage, UPS Ground Saver, UPS SurePost, UPS Ground, USPS Priority Mail, UPS 3 Day Select, or FedEx Ground.

We strive to ensure you receive the package within 2 to 5 days of shipment. (this is not a guarantee)



International Shipping

International shipping service provided is the choice of CAMCooLER LLC unless the specific user is selected at the time of checkout. Shipping Insurance up to $100 and tracking is included.

Import Tax & Duty at Checkout

If your country requires import tax and duty, you can choose whether to pay it pre-paid (DDP) or pay on arrival (DDU). The shipping company calculates the rate if required by your county and may offer a pre-paid option with a convenience fee included. This additional convenience fee might be worth it to some customers who wish to streamline the customs process and may speed up delivery time.

Services Normally Offered (subject to change and availability)

  • UPS Worldwide Saver® (Estimated 1 working day)
  • FedEx® International Connect Plus will be selected for your country and region if available. (Estimated 2 to 5 working days for delivery)
  • Asendia – e-PAQ Plus (Delivered in 1 to 4 weeks)

Asendia—e-PAQ Plus service shipping transit times can be slow, and the package may take several weeks to arrive.

All shipping timelines are estimates and in no way offer a guarantee of when your shipment will arrive. At our sole discretion, we will determine whether to ship a complete order or split the order into separate shipments.

If you require a faster shipping service, we offer many on an individual basis. These speedy services will be quite expensive, so contact us before placing an order, and we can set one up for you. 

Countries we ship to:

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Belarus

  • Belgium

  • Brazil

  • Bulgaria

  • Canada

  • Colombia

  • Croatia

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Georgia

  • Germany

  • Gibraltar

  • Greece

  • Hong Kong

  • Hungary

  • Iceland

  • India

  • Indonesia

  • Ireland

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Lebanon

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Malaysia

  • Malta

  • Mexico*

  • Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Norway

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Romania

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Serbia

  • Singapore

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia

  • South Korea

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Taiwan

  • Thailand

  • Turkey

  • United Arab Emirates

  • United Kingdom

  • Vietnam

* Doesn’t provide guaranteed door-to-door tracking to destinations in Mexico. Whether you can see door-to-door tracking updates for packages sent to Mexico depends on the tracking number of your label that gets assigned once Asendia receives the package and hands it off to Mexico’s national postal service, Correos de México.


On an individual basis, we occasionally provide UPS 2-day or Next-day shipping. We do get decent rates at a few dollars above USPS rates, but at this time it has to be processed manually with your address and what you are ordering. Also, we don’t want to charge you for expedited shipping if the order cannot be fulfilled in a timely fashion.

Contact us directly before purchasing to see if UPS 2-day or 1-day is available and how much it will cost.

Example Cost for shipping a cooling fan to Ohio:

UPS 2nd Day Air: $18.04

UPS Next Day Air Saver (next day by 11 pm): $37.19

UPS Next Day Air (next day by noon): $43.19

UPS Saturday Delivery will be an additional $18 to $20 over the prices above.

Longer shipping distances from Phoenix result in higher prices from UPS, yet 2-day shipping to California could be as low as $10.86 versus the standard $9.00 USPS Priority Mail Rate for every location in the US.

If you’re thinking about ordering, already placed an order (it hasn’t shipped), and you would like to see if UPS expedited shipping is available, contact us.

Address you want items delivered.
Generally, I’ll reach out to you via Text Message.
Enter the desired delivery date and time you want the expedited shipping items to arrive by.
Please enter those that apply so I can get an idea of the shipping box size and weight to calculate shipping.

CAMCOOLER.COM offers various methods for legitimate customers to contact us. The use of our email, contact form, text message, or telephone services is reserved exclusively for current and/or potential customers of CAMCOOLER LLC. By utilizing any of these communication channels, users agree not to employ robot/automated emailing, texting, or phone services to send messages.

CAMCOOLER LLC does not entertain unsolicited sales pitches for services such as SEO, payroll/tax, marketing campaigns, web page development, or similar ‘spam’ type emails. Such unwanted communications violate the FTC CAN-SPAM Act and its accompanying rules. Our contact form sends us an email, and each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject to penalties of up to $51,744, making non-compliance costly. However, compliance with the law is straightforward: refrain from sending us unwanted spam.

CAMCOOLER.COM is specifically designed to serve residents of the United States of America. Please note that our services are hosted in the United States. If you access our services from any other region of the world with laws or regulations governing the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data that differ from those in the United States, by continuing to use our services, you are consenting to the transfer of your data to the United States and its processing there. This website is intended for use by residents of the U.S.

Customers from the EU or elsewhere may use this website at their discretion, with no protections under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Stolen or Lost Packages

Stolen Packages: All products shipped are provided a tracking number and emailed automatically to the email address provided at checkout. If your package was successfully delivered and then stolen from your porch, you have a couple of options.

  1. CAMCOOLER LLC is never responsible for stolen packages. There is nothing we can do once the package is marked delivered. Lost packages are different, so reach out to us in that case.
  2. Confirm It Was Delivered: Before jumping to conclusions, first confirm the shipping service delivered the package. You can track the package using the tracking number provided to you. It will show the delivery date, time, and sometimes even a picture of where it was left.
  3. Check with Neighbors and Other Household Members: Sometimes, a neighbor may have taken your package for safekeeping, or another household member might have brought it inside without telling you.
    Contact the Carrier: If you’re sure the package was delivered and is missing, contact carrier customer service. They might be able to provide additional details on the delivery.
  4. File a Claim with the Carrier: If the carrier confirms the delivery and you haven’t received your package, you can file a claim. This is especially relevant if the package was insured. You’ll need to provide details like the tracking number, description of the contents, and value.
  5. File a Police Report: For expensive items or if you notice a pattern of package thefts, consider reporting it to the police. They may not always be able to recover the stolen package, but having a record can be helpful for insurance or other claims.
  6. Check Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance: Depending on the value of the stolen item and your deductible, it may be worth checking to see if your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance will cover the loss.
    Reach out to your local police department to notify them of the theft.
  7. Many credit card companies, including American Express, offer protection for members who charge a covered purchase that ends up being stolen. The coverage is limited, so check with your credit card company for specifics.

Lost Packages: Occasionally, packages do get lost by the shipping company.

  1. Confirm It Was Delivered: Before jumping to conclusions, confirm that the shipping service delivered the package. You can track the package using the tracking number provided to you. It will show the delivery date, time, and sometimes even a picture of where it was left.
  2. Check with Neighbors and Other Household Members: Sometimes, a neighbor may have taken your package for safekeeping, or another household member might have brought it inside without telling you.
    Contact the Carrier: If you’re sure the package was delivered and is missing, contact carrier customer service. They might be able to provide additional details on the delivery.
  3. File a Claim with the Carrier: If the carrier confirms the delivery and you haven’t received your package, you can file a claim. This is especially relevant if the package was insured. You’ll need to provide details like the tracking number, description of the contents, and value.

What if my fence mount breaks? (non RAM Mounts products)

Baseballs, softballs, or other objects can cause unpredictable forces. Therefore, it is not possible to offer any refund for products manufactured and/or sold by CAMCOOLERLLC.

RAM Mounts products sold as fence mounts on our website have a warranty provided by the manufacturer.  Checkout the FAQs for that information.



Our products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship at time of delivery.

While our products are robust, baseballs, softballs, or other objects, can cause unpredictable forces and due to the dusty environment the cooler fans will be operated in, we cannot offer any warranty for any length of time for products manufactured and/or sold by CAMCOOLERLLC.

If a defect arises we will at our discretion, work with you to find suitable parts to either repair the product using new or refurbished parts or replace the product with a new or refurbished product at the users cost. This does not cover any damage or defects resulting from misuse, accident, alteration, or normal wear and tear.

Camera/Device Overheat Does NOT indicate a defective cooler (No warranty or guarantee offered)

Our extensive experience in real-world usage in Phoenix’s scorching summers, coupled with numerous rigorous heat tests, offers valuable insights into potential scenarios and performance. It’s crucial to leverage this data to better understand the capabilities, limitations, and provide insights into potential scenarios and performance. User success can vary due to numerous factors such as individual operating environments, ambient temperature, intensity of use, user behaviors, camera/battery condition, and other variables. Therefore, while our data may indicate successful recording/operating possibilities, it’s essential to recognize that actual results may differ for each user and there is no guarantee offered.

Utilizing a cooler fan can effectively lower the operating temperatures of your devices, helping to enabling continuous recording or operation in several scenarios. However, it’s important to note that CAMCOOLERLLC offers no guarantee and will not be held liable for any lost recorded video footage or device malfunctions resulting from overheating. In summary, it’s essential to monitor operating conditions, adjust recording resolutions and settings based on environmental temperatures accordingly to ensure optimal performance and mitigate potential overheating issues.


If a RAM® component fails because of a manufacturing defect or a lack of quality, RAM® Mounts will repair or replace it free of charge (customer is responsible for cost of shipping).

As a RAM® authorized reseller, RAM products purchased on our website are eligible for their warranty and is limited to RAM® mounts and components. Their warranty does not include any device mounted or attached to a RAM® mount, such as a phone, GPS, computer or other device.

Please visit https://rammount.com/pages/warranty for official warranty information or make a warranty claim for a RAM product.

Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy


We understand that larger companies like Amazon offer return options where customers aren’t charged for shipping, often by incorporating costs into membership fees or product prices. At our company, we prioritize keeping prices low and profits slim to make our products accessible to as many people as possible. While our return policy includes a 20% restocking fee for items that have been shipped, this helps cover original shipping charges and credit card processing fees. We appreciate your understanding and support of our commitment to affordability and quality.

Cancelled Orders That Have Not Shipped

Orders that are cancelled before being dropped off at the post office or another delivery service are eligible for a full refund. We will make every effort to ensure that cancelled orders are not sent out for delivery, but we cannot guarantee that the package can be intercepted. Once an order has been dropped off at the shipping service, sections a or b below will apply.

a. Orders That Have Shipped: Unopened Packages

  • You can initiate returns within 30 days of receiving your order.
  • 20% restocking fee will be deducted from the refund for returned items.
  • The original shipping costs, if any were paid, are non-refundable.
  • Customers are responsible for covering the return shipping costs.

b. Orders That Have Shipped: Opened/Used Products

  • Prorated refunds for open/used products, within the same 30 day window, may be available as well. (don’t send the item back until we have evaluated the condition and provide a prorated amount)
  • Prorated amount minus the 20% restocking fee.
  • To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
  • The original shipping costs, if any were paid, are non-refundable.
  • Customers are responsible for covering the return shipping costs.

Returns Not Authorized

  • If the 30 day window has passed, you will not be offered a refund and/or exchange of any kind. The 30 day windows starts on the delivery date as indicated by our shipping company.
  • Returns are not accepted for custom text engraved/printed products.
  • Only regular priced items may be refunded, sale items cannot be refunded.

Returns Process

To return your product, visit our “Contact” page and submit the form by selecting “Returns” in the dropdown subject menu. For opened or used products that still qualify for a return, don’t send the item back until we have evaluated the condition and provide a prorated amount.

Mail your product to the address listed in the email you will receive from us. You will be responsible for paying your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for the item to reach us. If you are returning more expensive items, you may consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

We must receive the returned item(s) within 30 days of submitting a return request!


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged at time of shipping arrival. CAMCOOLER LLC retains sole discretion in determining whether an item is defective or damaged.


Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the refund and it will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain number of days.

Late or missing refunds

If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted. Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.

Need help?

Contact us for questions related to refunds and returns.

What Type of Fans are used and how Loud are they?
Variable Speed Fan:
60x60x15mm, Input Power Supply Range: DC 4V to 12V ( USB port). Output range: DC 3V-8V ( USB port) , 2000-6500 RPM, Dual Ball bearing fan, IP65 rated.

Equipped with an included user-friendly controller, our variable fan offers a wide range of rpm options, ranging from a gentle 2200 rpm to an impressive 6500 rpm. While it is highly improbable that you will ever require speeds exceeding 5000 RPMs, we believe in providing you with the flexibility to adjust the output according to your preferences without compromising the electrical integrity of the fan. Embrace the power of choice and experience the perfect balance between cooling efficiency and noise reduction with our variable rpm fan.


The Fan Controller is NOT IP65 rated, so don’t get it wet. 

Below approximately 2200 rpm, the fan will not spin. Do not operate below this area, as insufficient voltage is being provided to turn the fan.

Faster than approximately 6500 rpm, the fan will slow down. Don’t operate above this area. It is highly improbable that speeds exceeding 6500 rpm will be needed. The 5-volt input will not provide enough power for the fan above this setting, and you will hear the fan cutting out and slowing down.

Constant Speed Fan:
60x60x15mm, 5-volt DC USB plug, 5000 RPM, Dual Ball bearing fan, IP65 rated.

Prior fans were either 3500 or 5000 rpm dual ball-bearing fans.

STUDIO CAMCooLER models use a 12-volt Noctua NF-A6x25 PWM, Premium Quiet Fan, 4-Pin fan (60mm, Brown).

The Noctua fans are some of the quietest fans on the market today. Noctua rates this fan at 19.3 dB(A) at full power and 13.7 dB(A) when using the Low Noise Adapter. Utilizing the included NA-RC7 Low Noise Adaptor (LNA) that connects between the fan and the power source, reduces the fan’s running speed and noise emission.  As the fan speed decreases so does the noise, but also the cooling capability of the fan. Some testing in your environment will be required to find the desired amount of noise while providing enough airflow for cooling the GoPro.

Fan Data:
Application Fan Power Airflow-Ft/Sec dB @ 2″ dB @ 12″ Fan RPM Accousitc Noise dB(A)
CAMCooLER Cooling Fans for Sporting Events GDSTIME 5v 5v 8.36 fps 65 dB 3800 25.8
GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 12v 12v 5.8 fps 55 dB 39 dB 3200 19.3
GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 12v Low Noise Adapter 4.1 fps 48 dB 32 dB 2570 13.7
GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 12v NA-FC1 Fan Controller – High 5.8 fps 54 dB 3200 19.3
GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 12v NA-FC1 Fan Controller – Medium 5.0 fps 49 dB 2600 13.7
GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 12v NA-FC1 Fan Controller – Low 2.1 fps 40 dB No manufacture data
Possible GoPro/Mevo Studio Coolers Noctua 5v 5v 6.78 fps 56.5 dB 3440 19.3

Differences between sleeve, Hydraulic, and ball bearings on fans:
  • Sleeve bearing is made of porous metal that can absorb and retain lubricating oil. The lubricant filled between the blade shaft and sleeve acts as a drag reducer. Generally, the lifetime of sleeve bearing is 8000-10000 hours. It is suitable for a fan with medium or low speed.
      • Advantages: low price, low noise, suitable for intermittent use.
      • Disadvantages: high wear rate, short service life.
  • Hydraulic bearing has larger oil storage space than sleeve bearing and has a unique oil supply circuit of loop type. As its bottom is sealed completely, the lifetime is longer than that of the sleeve bearing. It is suitable for high, medium, and low-speed fans. The average life of hydraulic bearings is 40000-50000 hours.
      • Advantages: low noise, longer life than sleeve bearing.
      • Disadvantages: more expensive than sleeve type.
  • Ball bearing has the characteristics of rolling friction by metal beads, small contact surface, and small friction coefficient. Lifetime is improved because the friction of bearing surfaces is reduced. As none oil leak, it is suitable for products that are often operated in different angles and directions.
      • Advantages: Long service life, suitable for the fans with higher rotation speed
      • Disadvantages: high price, high noise level caused by rolling of metal beads.

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is an additive process whereby layers of material are built up to create a 3D part. FDM printers use a thermoplastic filament, which is heated to its melting point and then extruded, layer by layer, to create a three-dimensional object for a computer-created design

One of the benefits of 3D printing as an additive process is that there is less waste. Instead of starting with a block of material, you begin from scratch, using only the necessary amount to make the object. This is what makes 3D printing a smart choice for producing objects and a seemingly eco-friendlier option.

Our 3D printed items are functional parts and they are not manufactured to be pieces of art. They are printed at higher temperatures of the envelope range to ensure the best layer adhesion and to maximize the strength of the part. Thus, they might not look as pretty as other 3D printed materials like PLA or PLA Plus.

Do you offer custom 3D printing or design services?

Yes. I specialize in ASA and Polycarbonate.

I designed the items being sold on this page, so if you need a project designed I might be able to provide those services also.

Why not use PLA to print your items like several items seen on Etsy?

The material properties of PLA make it more suitable for applications where look and form are more important than strength and durability. Therefore, the best applications for PLA are items designed for decorative rather than “wear and tear” use.

  • PLA (Polylactic Acid) has low heat resistance, and therefore cannot be used for high-temperature applications. PLA can rapidly deform in high temperatures (like inside your car),  especially under stress.
    • What about shipping? Can you control what temperatures a PLA product is exposed to? What if the delivery person leaves the package on a hot sunny porch or in a hot metal mailbox? ASA and Polycarbonate don’t have these issues.
  • PLA is typically weaker and has a lower tensile strength than its counterparts,  ABS, ASA, PETG, and Polycarbonate. Since PLA parts, when 3D printed, are quite brittle, the material is more suited to aesthetic rather than mechanical purposes.
  • PLA is more suited for entry-level or hobby printers.

Our 3D printed items are functional parts and they are not manufactured to be pieces of art. They are printed at higher temperatures of the envelope range to ensure the best layer adhesion to maximize the strength of the part. Thus, they might not look as pretty as other 3D printed materials like PLA or PLA Plus. However, PLA is not suitable for this type of application.

Our Cooling Fan Systems and Battery Holders are printed with ASA (Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate)

  • ASA UV filament that has all the properties of ABS with the additional features of being weather resistant. Our ASA is UV resistant and resistant to environmental stress cracking. ASA is commonly used for outdoor applications such as RC planes or car accessories.
  • ASA can resist temperatures up to 100˚C (212°F) and display high toughness and impact resistance for functional applications such as ABS.

Our Universal Fence Mount is printed with Polycarbonate.

  • Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic that is most prominently known for its incredible strength and impact resistance. When it comes to strength, polycarbonate truly is the “king” of 3D printer filament, dramatically outperforming other materials in strength tests.
  • In an informal material strength test, Airwolf 3D printed a series of hooks using a variety of 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, Nylon 910, and polycarbonate. Each material was then tested by loading the hook with weight until it fractured.
Polycarbonate won by a landslide.
      • PLA has a tensile strength of 7,250 psi and was able to lift 285 pounds.
      • ABS has a tensile strength of 4,700 psi and snapped instantly under 285 pounds of weight.
      • Polycarbonate, on the other hand, has a tensile strength of 9,800 psi and lifted a whopping 685 pounds — far more than any of the other materials that were tested.
    • While these hooks printed by Airwolf 3D for testing differ from our Fence Hooks, the comparison in material strength is quite shocking. Our Fence Hooks will not hold 685 pounds, nor do they need to, but we have seen a dramatic increase in weight lift after switching from PETG Carbon Fiber to Polycarbonate.
  • Our Fence Hook holds 285 pounds when printed with Polycarbonate verses 146 pounds printed with old material PETG Carbon Fiber.
  • We’ve achieved 314 pounds with a Polycarbonate printed Fence Hook, but printing it at that thickness proved to be not flexible enough when installing it on the chain link fence during testing. The current production model can carry way more weight than is needed and provides the additional bending flexibility.

We spent thousands of dollars upgrading printers and several hundreds of hours advancing our manufacturing processes.  Simply put, PLA is the wrong material for this application.